Moran Management Consulting Group
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“Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.”
W. Edwards Deming

We believe our clients share the belief that people are employed to make sound decisions, exercise good judgment, and use critical thinking skills. We see our role as consultants and advisors to support their efforts. We also believe they provide exceptional service and value to their customers, and expect the same in return from us. They seek service providers who can empower them to achieve these goals. We appreciate their confidence in our ability to meet these expectations!

A partial list of clients benefiting from better decisions and judgment from their staff includes:

  • Alaska Communications Systems
  • Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority
  • Alaska Science & Technology Foundation
  • Anchorage School District
  • Arctic Slope Consulting Group
  • Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
  • Best Deal Insurance (UK)
  • Cape Fox Corporation
  • Chugach Electric
  • Copper River Informational Technology
  • Denali Commission
  • Elektryon (Las Vegas)
  • Ghost Spirits, Inc.
  • Greater Anchorage Inc.
  • Ho-Chunk, Inc.
  • Incremental Systems (UK)
  • Koniag, Inc.
  • LongView International Technology Solutions, Inc.
  • NANA Development Corporation
  • Northwest Strategies, Inc.
  • ProComm Alaska
  • Sutherland Global Services
  • Tsay Corporation
  • Turning Point Transformation Events (Canada)
  • University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Russian Center
  • Venture AdAstra
  • Yak-Tat Kwaan, Inc.